Balsamic Steak & Arugula Salad with Rice

Balsamic Steak & Arugula Salad with Rice

Cook up Knorr's delicious Balsamic Steak & Arugula Salad with Rice. A recipe that's quick and easy to make but flavorful to eat!
  • 15 mins

    Cooking Time

  • 10 mins

    Prep Time

  • 4 People


  • 3/4 cup balsamic vinaigrette dressing, divided
  • 1 lb. sirloin steak
  • 1 package (4 oz.) arugula or baby spinach leaves, rinsed and patted dry (about 6 cups)
  • 1/2 cup thinly sliced red onion
  • 1 package Knorr® Rice Medley Side prepared according to the instructions on the packaging

Balsamic Steak & Arugula Salad with Rice
  1. POUR 1/2 cup dressing over steak in large, shallow nonaluminum baking dish or plastic bag; turn to coat. Cover, or close bag, and marinate in refrigerator 30 minutes to 2 hours, turning occasionally.

  2. REMOVE steak from marinade, discarding marinade. Grill or broil steak, turning once, until steak is desired doneness. Remove to plate and let stand.

  3. TOSS arugula, onion and remaining 1/4 cup dressing in large bowl. Stir in hot Knorr® Rice Sides™ - Rice Medley. Arrange on platter, then top with sliced steak. Drizzle, if desired, with additional dressing; now it's delicious. Dig in!

  1. Amount per Serving
Nutritional values Amount per Serving
Energy (g) 370.0
Calcium (g) 10.0 %
Carbohydrates (g) 12.0 %
Cholesterol (g) 23.0 %
Fat (g) 17.0 %
Fiber (g) 8.0 %
Iron (g) 20.0 %
Protein (g) 30.0 g
Saturated Fat (g) 15.0 %
Sodium (g) 33.0 %
Sugars (g) 6.0 g
Trans Fat (g) 0.0 g

Hints & Tips

Tip: For extra crunchy flavor, try adding toasted almond slices. 

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