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Carefully prepared Chilli Con Carne mix
Hearty flavours There’s nothing more inviting than the smell of a warming chilli bubbling away on the stove – and now you can make yours tastier still with our carefully prepared Mealmaker mix.Nutrient Label | Amount Per Portion |
Fat | 20% |
Saturated Fat | 7.2 |
Salt | 1.9 |
Sugars | 7.9 |
Protein | 3% |
How to use
Our recipes
Frequently asked questions about this product
Knorr Chicken, Vegetable, Ham and Beef Stock Cubes do not currently contain paprika, cayenne pepper or chilli but please make sure you always check the ingredients list on the pack just in case there are any recipe changes.
Only the vegetable Knorr Stock Pot and Liquid Stock is suitable for vegetarians.
We can claim gluten free status, which complies with FIC Regulations, as it falls under 20ppm gluten.
We are still required to highlight any allergens according to the EU allergen regulation.
If garlic is added to a recipe, this would be declared in the on-pack ingredient list. However, we cannot guarantee the absence of garlic in flavourings in a recipe and garlic would not necessarily need to be declared next to the word “flavourings” in the ingredient list as it is not one of the 14 allergens according to Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) No. 828/2014.
Also, other products made in the same line and factory may contain garlic, therefore we will not be able to guarantee its absence due to potential cross contamination.