以常溫⽔浸泡粉絲⾄軟⾝,隔⽔備⽤。 Soak the vermicelli into warm water until soft.
把⽩蘿蔔去⽪後切成粗條,置於鍋中,加入洗米⽔浸過⾯,以⼤火煮滾後蓋上,調⾄⼩火煮10分鐘後關火,蓋著多待5分鐘後取出⽩蘿蔔隔⽔備⽤。 Peel and cut the radish into thick slices, place them onto the pot. Pour the rice water into the pot, covering the radish. Cover the pot and turn on the heat, reduce heat after boiling. Turn off the heat after 10 minutes of cooking. Cover the pot for 5 minutes, transfer the white radish to a plate.
把薑切片、蒜頭切碎、蔥切粒備⽤。 Cut the ginger into slices. Finely chop the garlic and spring onion into dice.
剪去⼤蝦的蝦槍、蝦鬚和蝦腳,剪開⼤蝦背部取出蝦腸,把⼤蝦洗淨印乾後,加入鹽和胡椒粉拌勻醃5分鐘。 Remove the legs and intestines of the shrimps. Soak up the water of the shrimps.
以中火燒熱油,加入薑煎香後,再加入蒜頭和蔥⽩粒炒香。 Heat the pot to medium-high heat and add in the ginger, then the minced garlic and spring onions.
加入⼤蝦把兩⾯煎香,倒入紹興酒略炒後取出⼤蝦備⽤。Pan-fry the shrimps until brown on two sides, add in the Shaoxing wine, and stir until the liquid has almost evaporated. Transfer the shrimps to a plate.
加入⽩蘿蔔炒勻,再加入熱滾⽔、家樂牌濃湯寶豬骨濃湯和片糖攪勻煮滾後蓋上,調⾄⼩火煮5分鐘⾄⽩蘿⽩入味。 Add white radish and stir. Stir in the hot boiled water, Knorr Dense Soup Treasure (Pork Bone Flavor), and the brown sugar, bring to a boil. Cover and reduce heat. Simmer for 5 minutes.
打開鍋蓋,調⾄中火,加入粉絲拌勻,排上⼤蝦後煮⾄⼤蝦熟透,最後灑上青蔥粒即成。 Turn up the heat and stir in the vermicelli and shrimps. Sprinkle on the remaining parts of the spring onions. Ready to serve.