
Chicken with Deep Fried Garlic and Chinese Preserved Black Olives直播重溫:家樂牌 x 三姐「提鮮新煮意」@parknshophk 及 @KnorrHK Facebook專頁
  • 20 分鐘


  • 中等


  • 15 分鐘


  • 5 人份


材料 Ingredients

  • 光雞 1隻(斬件) Raw Chicken (Cut Up)
  • 炸蒜蓉 4両 Deep Fried garlic 150g
  • 炸㰖菜 2両 75g Deep-fried Chinese Preserved Black Olives
  • 蓮藕粒 10粒 10pc lotus root grains
  • 炒香芝麻 少量 Appropriate amount of roasted sesame seeds
  • 指天椒 6隻 6 Facing heaven pepper
  • 辣椒乾 10隻 10 dried chilies
  • 蔥段 10條 10 cut spring onions
  • 家樂牌純鮮雞粉 1/2湯匙 ½ teaspoon of Knorr No MSG Added Chicken Powder

醃料 Marinade

  • 豉油 2湯匙 2 tablespoons of soy sauce
  • 糖 1茶匙 1 teaspoon of sugar
  • 紹興酒 1湯匙 1 teaspoon of Shaoxing wine
  • 家樂牌鷹粟粉 4両 150 g of Knorr Corn Starch
  • 家樂牌純鮮雞粉 1/2湯匙 ½ teaspoon of Knorr No MSG Added Chicken Powder

  1. 1. 先把醃料放入雞件中拌勻,醃15分鐘。 1. Marinate the chicken pieces for 15 minutes.

  2. 2. 燒熱油鑊,雞件撲上生粉,放入油中炸至金黃色,盛起備用。 2. Coat the chicken pieces in Knorr Cornstarch. Heat up oil in a wok and put the chicken in and stir-fry until it is golden brown, then set aside for later use.

  3. 3. 再放入蓮藕粒、蔥段、辣椒乾,炸至乾身後盛起備用。 3. Add in lotus root grains, cut spring onions and dried chiles into the oil, fry them and set aside for later use.

  4. 4. 另起油鍋,少量油爆香蒜蓉、指天椒。 4. Use another wok and heat up with a small amount of oil, sauté the garlic and facing heaven pepper.

  5. 5. 把炸好的雞件、蓮藕粒、蔥段、辣椒乾、炸㰖菜及家樂牌純鮮雞粉(半湯匙)一同放下鑊中,快快兜勻即可上碟。 5. Put fried chicken, lotus root grains, spring onions, dried chiles and fried facing heaven pepper with ½ teaspoon of Knorr No MSG Added Chicken Powder into the wok, stir-fry quickly. It is now ready to be served

  6. 6. 最後灑上芝麻粒即完成。 6. Finally, sprinkle with the roasted sesame seeds to complete.


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    • Servings 4


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    • Servings 4
