Pork and Beans Guisado Recipe

Pork and Beans Guisado Recipe

This dish combines the rich flavors of ground pork and the fresh flavors and textures of sting beans, with the slight shrimp flavored sauce.
  • 15 MINS

    Cooking Time

  • Easy


  • 10 MINS

    Prep Time

  • 4 People


  • 2 tbsp oil
  • 1 pc onion, chopped
  • 4 cloves garlic, chopped
  • 1 pc Knorr Pork Cube
  • ½ kg. ground pork
  • 1 pc carrot, diced
  • 200 g. string beans, sliced
  • Knorr Liquid Seasoning, to taste
  • ground black pepper to taste

Pork and Beans Guisado Recipe
  1. This recipe is so simple and cooks in an instant. All you need to do is sauté the onion and garlic in a pre-heated pan with a little bit of oil. Cook them until the vegetables give off a nice aroma.

  2. Throw in the Knorr Pork Cube and mix this well until dissolved before adding the ground pork. Now, sauté until the meat is slightly toasted.

  3. At this point, gently add the vegetables and sauté them over high heat until cooked through. With a sprinkle of Knorr Liquid Seasoning and black pepper, this dish is done!

  4. You will always have a reason to stay home especially when your mom serves you Pork and Beans Guisado. It’s the taste of comfort that makes it really pleasant!

Tractor being driven in a farm collecting bay stacks

Little BIG difference tip


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