A bunch of freshly cropped carrots on a wooden surface

ألف قصة صغيرة ورا الاستدامة

الهدف في كنور هو تحضير أكلات بطعم أحسن، وده بيشمل زراعة مكوناتنا بطريقة مستدامة.

Top angle shot of green herbs in wooden bowl with a wooden spoon filled with herbs resting on it for Knorr

Fresh tomatoes with water sprinkled

A farmes smelling the seeds in a large field
Knorr Landmark farms in Europe | Germany, Belgium, France, Italy, Poland, Spain, Austria, Greece, Hungary, Netherlands, Sweden

Close up shot of a painted lady butterfly sipping nectar from a flower
A Bee Hotel
A farmer infront of a small pond for wildlife
A person holding soil from garden or field with worm in it
Ladybirds on a plant
A lizard on a wooden surface
Bat hanging

Pumpkin in a field
Closeup of Tamarind
Two tomatoes hanging
A person holding beans in hand
onion plants

Pumpkin in a field
Closeup of Tamarind
Two tomatoes hanging
A person holding beans in hand
onion plants

ازاي ممكن نصنع بعض الفرق الكبير؟